Sloat Restoration through Managed Retreat

Sloat Restoration through Managed Retreat
This is our original vision for Sloat Restoration - graphic courtesy of PSA and Associates and the Ocean Beach Task Force

Our Vision of Beach Restoration and Preservation

The shorelines of Ocean Beach south of Sloat Blvd and Sharp Park in Pacifica are threatened by rip-rap seawallls and long-term erosion. This blog chronicles our campaign efforts to restore these beaches. Check out the web view of this site to see our proposed solutions and how to help- in the right hand column below. For all the latest about our efforts, see our monthly posts.

We advocate a managed retreat strategy to restore both Ocean Beach south of Sloat and Sharp Park.

At Sloat, our vision involves:

A long-term plan to relocate threatened infrastructure
(including the south of Sloat Great Highway, the two oceanside parking lots and the sewer lines underneath them).

The cleanup of all the rock and rubble littering the beach.

The use of sand dunes as the primary tool to slow erosion.

For Sharp Park, we advocate the decommissioning of the golf course, the removal of the rip-rap berm, and a full restoration of the wetland.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

King Tides and Future Shoreline Boundaries

Most of Pacifica’s beaches are already on life support. 
Over a foot of sea level rise will probably drown whatever is left of this once sandy shoreline.
Greetings Surfriders,

There was is another king tide on Monday January 21st Martin Luther King Day. We have a 7.1ft high tide at 10:53am (GG Bridge gauge) / apprx. 10:33am at Ocean Beach. This will be our largest high tide of the year.

King Tides are significant because they give us a glimpse into the future of sea level rise and what will our shoreline boundaries may look like.

How does this work? Currently, the average large high tide (what NOAA calls the mean higher high tide) is 5.84 ft. for the Golden Gate / SF Bay entrance tide gauge.

Monday’s 7.1ft king tide will therefore be 1.26ft or about 15” above our average large high tide. By 2050, the state of California projects there to be 16” of sea level rise. So Monday’s king tide will be close to the predicted new sea level rise average large high tide for 2050.

You can help us spread awareness of the impact of sea level rise on our beaches. Just take some photos of your favorite stretch of shoreline around 10:30am (again the tides arrive :20 mins earler on the beach compared to the Golden Gate).  Then, send the pics in to the Ca King Tides Project and share them with your friends on social media. Please be sure to copy a link to our sea level rise planning petition!


Ca King Tides Project website:

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