Sloat Restoration through Managed Retreat

Sloat Restoration through Managed Retreat
This is our original vision for Sloat Restoration - graphic courtesy of PSA and Associates and the Ocean Beach Task Force

Our Vision of Beach Restoration and Preservation

The shorelines of Ocean Beach south of Sloat Blvd and Sharp Park in Pacifica are threatened by rip-rap seawallls and long-term erosion. This blog chronicles our campaign efforts to restore these beaches. Check out the web view of this site to see our proposed solutions and how to help- in the right hand column below. For all the latest about our efforts, see our monthly posts.

We advocate a managed retreat strategy to restore both Ocean Beach south of Sloat and Sharp Park.

At Sloat, our vision involves:

A long-term plan to relocate threatened infrastructure
(including the south of Sloat Great Highway, the two oceanside parking lots and the sewer lines underneath them).

The cleanup of all the rock and rubble littering the beach.

The use of sand dunes as the primary tool to slow erosion.

For Sharp Park, we advocate the decommissioning of the golf course, the removal of the rip-rap berm, and a full restoration of the wetland.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Sea Level Rise Set to Impact the Wildlife of California's Beaches

Without room for beaches to migrate landward, shorebirds will lose habitat.

Greetings Surfriders,

This year, a joint study was released by the Nature Conservancy and the Ca Coastal Conservancy concerning the impacts of sea level rise to the California coast.  The news is not good for our beach ecosystems.

The report Conserving California's Coastal Habitats: A Legacy and a Future with Sea Level Rise predicts that even five feet of sea level rise will threaten 60% of the state's upper beach habitats. (The report defines the upper beach area as the portion of sand from the average high tide line to the dunes, bluffs and other habitats).

For us locally, this spells a major threat to our seabirds. From sand pipers to snowy plovers, sea level rise and enhanced erosion could lead to a submerged shoreline. Without managed retreat, much of San Francisco and Pacifica's shoreline could be permanently submerged. Many seabirds need sandy beaches to feed, rest or breed.

The Nature Conservancy assessment does have a positive message. The report states that if we act now, we can avoid and/or mitigate much of the damage. Managed retreat and shoreline restoration projects are singled out in the report as having a critical role.

Surfrider urges you to get involved to ensure we meet this challenge.  Stay tuned for the next public hearing for Sloat which should happen later this fall. Shoot us an email at or follow this blog if you want to be directly notified of such events.

If you are a resident of Pacifica, please comment on the draft LCP sea level rise adaptation plan.  Send comments to or to Bonny O'Connor, Planning Department, 170 Santa Maria Avenue, Pacifica, CA 94044 by 5pm Monday October 8th.  We need folks to continue to stand up for beach restoration and managed retreat of development.

Thanks for checking in.

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