The Sloat erosion area was battered by winter storms this year. Thankfully, no rock armor was added onto the beach. The pre-winter sand replenishment project may have helped in this regard.
Happy Earth Day!
As the Restore Sloat campaign hits the final stretch, we have a new petition for all to sign.
The purpose is to underscore our goals for Sloat restoration as the City finalizes the details of its erosion control project for the area. The design will be based upon the recommendations found in the Ocean Beach Master Plan. We will continue to call for maximizing relocation of all threatened structures, even the Lake Merced Tunnel. The more beach area that we can secure for restoration, the greater the chance we have to maintain a sandy shoreline for the future.
More News: SF Planning has just added a public workshop for the LCP amendment May 2 6-8pm at the Ortega Library (3223 Ortega Street at 39th Ave). Please attend if you can. There may be a discussion regarding south of Sloat road consolidation and realignment as well as options for temporary parking.
Thanks for checking in!