Two surfers exit the water at Sloat's north lot area. Let's replace that armor in the background with sand! Photo: B.McLaughlin |
Greetings Surfriders and Friends,
Now that the sand has been cleaned off the road, the Great Highway is open for traffic once again. Also, the north parking lot has been cleared. The excess sand that was clogging the road and lot has been pushed back on the beach. At Sloat, the sand was moved down near the tidal zone. The result is a more relaxed grade to the new sand access, making it is easier to traverse. We hope to hear word from the SPUR team soon about a method to stabilize the sand so that it mostly stays on the beach during wind episodes.
In other erosion news, the campaign to restore Sharp Park continues. As was last reported, we were successful in getting the latest round of armoring halted with intervention by the Coastal Commission. At a certain point, an "after the fact" permit for the maintenance project will come before The Commission for approval. This will be an extremely important event which will allow all of us an opportunity to provide input on the project. As always, feel free to provide input today. Besides a written submission to the Coastal Commission, it would also be helpful to write our city's Supervisors with a cc to SF Park and Recreation Department. Please ask our officials to preserve the beach at Sharp Park through a full restoration plan for the watershed.
Thanks for staying engaged!